High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a broad chemical analytical technique used to separate compounds in a chemical mixture. These separations utilize the pressure-controlled flow of a mobile phase through a column packed with a stationary phase.
A liquid sample is transported through the column to the detector using the mobile phase. This separates compounds or analytes that interact with the stationary phase to varying degrees.
A photodiode array detector measures the analyte signal after elution of the analyte from the column, and a chromatography data system (CDS) translates the detected signal. The data output of an HPLC analysis is called a chromatogram.
Coupled with a mass spectrometer, we are also able to determine the mass of individual components in a chemical mixture.
This enables us to carry out qualitative and quantitative analysis. In addition, we are able to purify components using a preparative HPLC system. The following equipment is available at our bioanalytic service unit.
LC40 System with PDA-Detector (Shimadzu)
LCMS 2020 System (Shimadzu)
LC20 preparative System (Shimadzu)
Gas chromatography (GC) is a commonly used analytical technique to separate and analyze volatile and semi-volatile compounds in a mixture.
In this type of chromatography, an inert carrier gas (helium) is used as the mobile phase. The separation column consists of a metal capillary and is lined on the inside with a stationary phase.
After adding a sample substance, which is now transported by the carrier gas, the components remain in the stationary phase of the column for different lengths of time depending on the polarity and vapor pressure of the individual gas molecules.
Coupled with a mass spectrometer, qualitative and quantitative analysis is possible, as well as identification of individual components by comparison with a database.
The following equipment is available for the gas chromatography.
GCMS-QP2010S (Shimadzu)
Please contact Christiane Grünewald for prices, help or any further information.